Ugly little boy who loves a beautiful girl

ugly little boy who loves a beautiful girl


Once upon a time, in a small town, there was an ugly little boy named Timmy. Timmy had big ears, a crooked nose, and his hair always looked like he had just rolled out of bed. But Timmy had a big heart and a secret crush on the most beautiful girl in school, Lily.

Lily had shiny hair, sparkling eyes, and a smile that could light up a room. Every time Timmy saw Lily, his heart would beat faster, and his cheeks would turn red. But Timmy was very shy and didn’t know how to talk to her.

One day, Timmy decided he would try to impress Lily. He thought, “What do girls like? Flowers! I’ll get her flowers!” So, he went to the garden and picked a bunch of wildflowers. But being Timmy, he tripped and fell into a muddy puddle, getting mud all over the flowers and himself.

Determined, Timmy tried again. He thought, “What else do girls like? Poems! I’ll write her a poem!” Timmy spent hours writing a funny poem about a frog who wanted to be a prince. He put the poem in Lily’s locker but forgot to sign his name.

Lily found the poem and laughed so hard, tears rolled down her cheeks. She loved it but had no idea who wrote it. Timmy saw Lily laughing and thought she was making fun of him, so he hid behind a tree, feeling sad.

The next day, Timmy decided he would try one more thing. He thought, “What if I just talk to her? Maybe she’ll like me for me!” So, he took a deep breath and walked up to Lily, but just as he was about to speak, he tripped over his own shoelaces and fell right at her feet.

Lily looked down at Timmy, who was now even muddier and red-faced from embarrassment. She giggled and helped him up. “Are you okay?” she asked, smiling.

Timmy stammered, “Y-y-yes, I’m okay. I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re really nice.”

Lily smiled even wider. “Thank you, Timmy! And thank you for the funny poem. It made my day!”

Timmy’s eyes widened. “You knew it was me?”

“Of course,” Lily said, “No one else could write something so funny and sweet.”

Timmy couldn’t believe it. “Really? You liked it?”

Lily nodded. “I did. And I think you’re pretty nice too, Timmy.”

From that day on, Timmy and Lily became good friends. Timmy learned that it wasn’t about how he looked, but about being himself and making people laugh. And who knows? Maybe one day, Timmy’s big heart and funny ways would win over Lily’s beautiful smile for good.

And they both laughed happily ever after.


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