D.Liver Woke Up as a Roman Slave

When I Woke Up as a Roman Slave





D.Liver  Woke Up as a Roman Slave


One morning, I, D.Liver, woke up feeling extra uncomfortable. My bed was scratchy, and my pillow was more like a rock. I opened my eyes and saw… not my room, but an old, dusty room with stone walls and no windows. And what’s this? I was wearing a toga!

“Where am I?” I muttered, scratching my head. Suddenly, a big, burly guy with a mean face stormed in. “Get up, slave!” he yelled.

Slave? Oh no, this couldn’t be real! But it was. I had somehow woken up as a Roman slave!

I stumbled out of bed, following Mr. Mean Face. Turns out, his name was Brutus, and he was in charge of the slaves. My job was to clean the big Roman house called a villa. I had no idea what I was doing, but I figured I could make it fun.

First, I had to scrub the floors. I found some soap and water and got to work. But I thought, why not add a twist? I threw a bunch of soap on the floor, poured a lot of water, and started sliding around like it was a water park. Other slaves watched, confused but giggling. Until Brutus walked in, slipped, and fell on his butt.

“D.Liver!” he roared, shaking his fist. Oops.

Next, I had to help in the kitchen. They wanted me to make bread. How hard could it be? I threw some flour around, mixed it with water, and ended up looking like a ghost. The bread turned out as hard as a rock. When Brutus tried to eat it, he almost broke a tooth.

“D.Liver!” he growled again. Double oops.

Then, I had to feed the chickens. I decided to have a little fun. I opened the gate, and chickens ran everywhere. It was like a feathery stampede. I chased them around, trying to catch them, slipping and sliding all over the place. The other slaves were laughing, but Brutus? Not so much.

“D.Liver!” he bellowed, even louder this time. Triple oops.

After a long day of goofing up, I was exhausted. I sat down, feeling sorry for myself. That’s when I met Octavia, another slave. She was kind and gave me some bread (not the rock-hard kind). We talked, and she told me stories about life as a Roman slave. It wasn’t easy, but they made the best of it. They had fun whenever they could, but they also worked hard to help each other out.

That’s when it hit me. Maybe if I stopped goofing around so much and actually helped out, things would be better. So, the next day, I tried my best. I scrubbed the floors without turning them into a slip-and-slide. I helped in the kitchen without making a flour storm. And I even managed to feed the chickens without causing a feathery riot.

Brutus still kept a close eye on me, but I could tell he was less angry. Octavia and the other slaves started smiling more around me. And I felt pretty good about myself too.

One evening, while we were all sitting around a small fire, Octavia turned to me and said, “You know, D.Liver, you’re not such a bad guy after all.”

I grinned. “Thanks, Octavia. I guess even a goofball like me can learn to do things right.”

And so, I, D.Liver, the accidental Roman slave, learned that sometimes it’s okay to have fun, but it’s also important to work hard and help others. Even if you wake up in a toga in ancient Rome.

The end.


hunnier d.liver story


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